Make Rectal Pain Go Away
There is no reason to live with the pain associated with hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding, constipation or other similar symptoms. We can help remove or reduce these symptoms making your life better.
What is Proctology?
Proctology is the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the colon, rectum or anus. As a licensed Proctologist, as a well as a professor of Proctology, Dr. Scherer is an expert at removing or reducing the pain from hemorrhoids. Additionally, she is able to diagnose and treat anal rectal lesions, anal rectal cancer, rectal bleeding, constipation and other rectum related issues.
We Can Safely Remove Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are veins in the rectum or around the anus that have become enlarged, swollen or inflamed. Usually, the symptoms are pain or itching around the anal area, or blood on the toilet tissue. Other symptoms are pressure, feeling of incomplete evacuation of the bowel or a tender protrusion from the anus. Like any medical condition, if hemorrhoids go unchecked they can become a cause for serious concern. In office, non-surgical hemorrhoid treatments are available that are relatively painless, about 95% effective, and do so with minimal disruption in your work schedule or lifestyle.
Rectal Bleeding and Constipation
Rectal Bleeding can be a sign of hemorrhoids, irritated colon, anal rectal lesions, anal fissures or fistulas. Bleeding can also be a sign of a more serious medical condition such as colorectal cancer. These conditions are treatable if diagnosed early. You should discuss with Dr. Scherer the evaluation and proper treatment of these issues today.
Call us today about any anal, rectal or other concern you may have at 954-776-5484.